イタリア文化会館の催し物で、イタリア人ピアニストFillippo Faes氏のミニコンサートに行ってきた。
I went to a small concert of Italian pianist Fillipo Faes, which was presented by Italian Cultural Institute. Signor Faes is active mainly in Germany but also all over the world. His profession ranges from soloist, conductor, artistic director, to professor of masterclasses in Europe, America and New Zealand.
The concert was to celebrate the 200th anniversary of R.Schumann's birth and the main program was his "Kreisleriana Op.16" dedicated to Chopin. The main presenter of the concert was an academy of fine art, and most of the audience seemed to be its students. Maybe that's the reason why the pianist gave an intelligible description about the time background and characteristic of the Schumann's music before performing. Once he began to talk, however, he talked on and on because he is Italian, I guess. Time was passing, the performance was not started. When I began to feel even tired of listening to his talk, finally he began playing, quite abruptly.
I've played few Schumann's pieces and they are not so familiar with me. Somehow I have an elusive impression for them. Even so, I was so touched by Signor Faes's performance which was so vibrant and sensitive at the same time.
When he finished all of the eight pieces and enormous applause in the theater was faded, it'd already passed the scheduled time. The program said there was one more music, "Images" by C.Debussy. Saying "We're out of time though", he gave another full description before performing "Reflets dans l'eau". Hmmm, I prefer impressionists after all. The flow of fine treble and sound of vibrant bass were little different from his play of the Schumann's, which tingle and surely grabbed me. What a good country that I can have an opportunity like this for free!
After leaving the theater, I was so desperate to play the piano and I went to a music store to see some electronic pianos. Although I'm still thinking about which one I should buy, I really want one of them.
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