プラナカンの代表的なお菓子クエの1種、クエ・ラピス(Kueh Lapis)。まあ、ひらたく言えばバームクーヘン。
それにしても、こっちのお菓子はなんでみんなこんなに緑色をしてるんだろうとずっと不思議に思っていたが、理由がわかった。パンダン・リーフ(pandan leaf)だ。パンダンとはタコノキの一種で、沖縄によく生えてるアダンの仲間。葉に独特の甘いココナッツのような香りがあり、料理やお菓子の香り付けに使われている。防虫効果もあるらしい。で、そのパンダン・リーフのせいで、今日のクエ・ラピスも緑色というわけだ。原材料には他にシナモンパウダーも入っていると書いてあるのだけれど、何せ鼻づまりの風邪ひきなもんで微妙な香りがわからない。残念。甘さは控えめ、普通のバームクーヘンよりはじっとりと重い感じがする。もちろん、メーカーによって味は異なるんだろうけれど。イタリアで買ってきた粉でエスプレッソを淹れて一緒にいただく、が、こちらもイマイチ香りがわからない。ああ、困ったもんだ。早く治れ、この体!
I caught a serious cold for the first time in this year.
In this hot tropic island, it's been raining and is rather cool in the morning and night. As I didn't care so much, it's been long in recovering from it. Having an absent from a weekly Italian class which I really look forward to, finally loosing my appetite, feeling lonely as I waited for my husband occupied with his job. The weaker body makes the spirit weaker. At the time like this, I need delicious sweets!
Therefore, today's sweets here.
This is "Kueh Lapis", a kind of typical sweets of Peranakan. To put it simply, it's Baum kuchen.
I'd been wondering why all the sweets are green here. And I've got it. Because of pandan leaves. Pandan is a kind of screw pine. Its leaves have characteristic flavor like coconut and are often used as flavoring for sweets and dishes. I read that they also have a protective effect against insects. And, thanks to the pandan leaves, today's Kueh Lapis is green. Although the package says the cake includes cinnamon powder too, my plugged nose cannot find its subtleness. So sad. Modestly sweeten, it tastes moister and heavier than ordinary Baum kuchen. It might, naturally, differ from maker to maker. I brewed a cup of espresso with coffee I bought in Italy so that I can enjoy together. But again, my nose doesn't capture the aroma much. For pity's sake! Get well soon, my body!
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