
A Day of Recover

午前中3時間の長丁場だ。病み上がりの脳ミソには結構きつくて、なかなか頭に入らない。でも、人と会うと元気をもらうもんだーと思った。嬉しいことに、実際、「one, two, three で みんなでエネルギーを送ってあげよう!」とかってやってくれた。クラスメートの一人が「元気だと思うことが大事よ!」と言ってくれたが、本当にそう(veramente!)と思った。


さて、ランチはどうしようかと、帰り道にモールをふらふらしていたら目に入ったのがMOSバーガー。急に食べたくなって入った。日本で売ってたラー油バーガーは、さすがにここにはない。でもご当地バーガー、Oriental Peanut Chicken Burgerなるものを発見、早速オーダーしてみた。テリヤキ・バーガーにピーナツソース、いわゆるインドネシアのサテー風味。まあ、好きな味だ。で、フレンチフライとコーヒーのセットで7ドル、まあこんなもんか。ところで、こっちでポテトフライを頼むとついてくるのはケチャップではなくてチリソースだ(しかも3袋も)。暑いから、確かにこっちのほうがおいしいかも。それから、コーヒーには砂糖と生クリームが2つずつ。私、ブラック派なんだけど。



I attended an Italian class after one week of sickness.
The long stretch of three hours in the morning was rather tough to my recovering brain and nothing soaked in. But I thought meeting people could give me energy. Happily, in fact, they did to me like "Let's send our energy to her in one, two, three!" One of my class mates said "It's important to think you're fine!" and I thought it was really true, veramente!

Then today, I took the city bus for the first time.
Though I always use the subway called MRT, it's a little inconvenient because I have to change lines to go there. Taxi fare here is cheap but I just don't want to use it. Yesterday, I checked the route and bus stops on the Internet. The bus stops are outside, naturally, and you have to have a patience with this muggy weather while you're waiting. But it's walking distance of only 2km to the school and once I got on the bus, it arrived there soon. The fare is surprisingly low, less than $1, and you can see the scenery from the window which allows to get the feel of the place. It would be very convenient if I could use them effectively. It's really complicated because there are many one-way streets even among the main streets, though.

Anyway, today is Saturday and my husband has gone to work again.
I hanged around a mall on the way back home thinking about what I eat for lunch. And I found MOS Burger, Japanese famous burger restaurant. Suddenly I wanted to eat them and enter the shop. They sold a local menu, Oriental Peanut Chicken Burger, and I go straight to it. It was a kind of Teriyaki Chicken Burger with spicy peanut sauce just like Sateh, an Indonesian dish. Well, I liked it. It costs $7 with French fries and hot coffee, not bad. What comes with French fries here is not ketchup but (3 packets of) chili sauce. The hotter sauce might be more suitable for this hot weather. And 2 packets each of sugar and cream came with a cup of coffee. I'm a black coffee drinker, though.

Like this, the expansion of Japanese companies is absolutely terrific in this country. After all, Japan and Korea play important roles in Asia. I strongly feel it when I am here outside my mother country.

2 件のコメント:

  1. from chie

  2. >CHIEさん


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