出土品やレプリカが主な展示だったけれど、フレスコ画やモザイクの泉はなかなか見応えがあった。3DのCG上映もまあまあ面白かった。先日、日本で塩野七生さんの「ローマ人の物語 38-40」を入手して読み始めたところなので、当時のコインなんかを見るとかなり感慨深いものがあった。まあ、どちらにしても無料だったので満足するに決まってるんだけど。ああ、またイタリアに行きたくなってきた!
モザイクの泉 Mosaic fountain |
庭を描いたフレスコ画 Fresco of garden |
Last Sunday, I wasn't in the mood to celebrate New Year because of this hot weather, while I wondered if visiting a temple was little different since there's no Shinto shrine to visit according to Japanese tradition. I didn't know what to do with such a time, but I noticed that Pompeii exhibition has been held at the National Museum till 23rd of this month. I love Italy and archaeological sites; I decided to go see the exhibition although I'd been the actual place already twice.
Then luckily, that day was a museum open house day!
The admission is SD12 on a normal day and we could just saved money for lunch.
The exhibition consists of artifacts and their replicas, and I think that the frescoes and the mosaic fountain are worth seeing. The screening of a 3D film is interesting too. I was impressed deeply by the ancient coins, because I began to read Vol. 38-40 of Roma-jin no Monogatari (Stories of the Romans) by Nanami Shiono which I got the other day back in Japan. Well, in any case, I was supposed to be satisfied thanks to free admission... Oh, again, I wanna go to Italia!